Cara and Mady must have inherited Kate's Type A personality because they are both very driven in all aspects of their lives. Case in point: The girls don't let anything get in the way of their goals — even when it comes to their dad, Jon. "This year I'm going to turn 16," Mady explained to People in August 2016 (via the Daily Mail). "I'm going to be learning to drive, taking the PSATs, thinking about college ... so much is going on in my life. And the last thing I have time for is a toxic relationship." Well, it's nice to hear that Mady is keeping her eye on the prize. Sorry, Jon.
As for Cara, she's equally as grounded. Kate testified to this fact in a joint birthday message to the twins in October 2017. "And then you blink, and they TURN SEVENTEEN," Kate penned on Instagram. "Happy birthday to my girls! My heart hurts because you're almost adults and will soon leave for college, yet it smiles because I am seeing who you've become: brilliant, beautiful, kind, caring, logical, responsible, empathetic, honest, amazing individuals!"
There you have it, folks. If you've ever doubted that Cara and Mady have their lives together, you have your answer now.