According to reports, Mal Nicole was born in September 1997. As of June 2023, she is 25 years of age.
Mal Nicol Occupation & Education background
Mal Nicole is a picture researcher. She has quite a good education, however, her college is not yet known.
Mal Nicol Family, Parents & Siblings
As of now, Mal has not disclosed the names of her parents. It is also not known if she has any siblings.
Mal Nicol Boyfriend & Children
Mal is currently single with no biological children, however, she was previously romantically affiliated with Jay Younger who appeared in the 2022 series of the ITV dating show.
Mal Nicol Net worth
As her career is fetching a reasonable income, her net worth is estimated between $50,000 and $100,000.
Mal Nicol Instagram & Twitter
Mal is quite an active person on social media. Her Instagram handle is @mallurpaal
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