How Dogs Actually Played A Role In World War I

In addition to their importance for security purposes, dogs also played a major part in the medical treatment of wounded soldiers. Known as casualty dogs or mercy dogs, it was their job to locate the injured or dying on the battlefield, as stated by We Are The Mighty. Oftentimes, these dogs carried medical supplies, as

In addition to their importance for security purposes, dogs also played a major part in the medical treatment of wounded soldiers. Known as casualty dogs or mercy dogs, it was their job to locate the injured or dying on the battlefield, as stated by We Are The Mighty. Oftentimes, these dogs carried medical supplies, as well, which would allow troops or their comrades to provide aid until help arrived. If a soldier was beyond help, these dogs were trained to remain with the dying individual so that they would not spend their last moments alone. It is estimated that thousands of soldiers owe their lives to these amazing creatures.

While these dogs were largely used for security and medical purposes, they also did a handful of other interesting jobs as well. According to WWI Centennial Commission, these pups were used to carry messages, track and detect explosives, and control pests and vermin in the trenches. Arguably their most important job, though, was to simply provide love and companionship for the war-ravaged soldiers who were far from home.

